Image of the Radcliffe Camera, Oxford

  Applying the Science of Assessment to Recruitment and Talent Management.

Hiring the right members for an organisation and supporting their career development is one of the most important tasks in any organisation.

We offer help on sourcing individuals and selecting the best people from a list of candidates. The former is critical as it determines who is on the list. However the bulk of this section is about assessment for selection and talent management.

Sourcing Candidates: Your assessment processes are only as good as the candidates you find - so finding the right people is critical.

Sourcing Candidates.

Image of woman in yellow sweater.

Image credit: ljubaphoto / iStock

Key aspects of proactive sourcing include:

  • Incentivizing your current team to find new people in order to build an in-house candidate database.
  • Tracking public domain sources e.g. LinkedIn, conferences, press reports, internet forums etc.
  • Using social media effectively to encourage applications.
  • Inclusiveness - drawing from a wide demographic range.
  • Offering paid internships and short-term contracts.
  • Harnessing branding to attract the best.
  • Filtering applications by providing a realistic preview of the work in your organisation.

Assessment for Selection: We can help guide you through the bewildering array of methods currently available e.g. tests for cognitive ability; personality; strengths; emotional intelligence; specific skills; delivered via questionnaires or games, as well as interviews and assessment centres.

Assessment for Selection

Blurred image of balloons.

Image credit: masterzphotois / iStock

The current market for recruitment selection tools and software is vast. We can work with you to guide you through the landscape. We can also review the effectiveness of the methods you have used so far.

Key factors are:

  • Choosing the right assessments for the role.
  • Choosing assessments which actually predict workplace performance. Many assessments have poor or very little evidence of predictive validity.
  • Fairness. It is important to ensure the assessment does not discriminate against specific groups.
  • Designing an interview framework that is a robust measuring instrument, and training internal staff to use it effectively and consistently.
  • Choosing the right assessments and sequencing for a high volume of applicants.
  • The cost-effectiveness of assessments.
  • The security of assessments (i.e. can candidates cheat?).
  • Following best practice in assessment centres. We can help you make the process as predictive, fair and cost-effective as possible.

Assessment for Talent Management: Tools similar to those used for recruitment selection can also be used for developmental purposes, in addition to those which are specifically designed for development.

Assessment for Talent Management

Image of cubes. One of which is lit up.

Image credit: abdulkadir hasanoğlu / iStock

We can provide skills in applying the types of assessments below, training in their use or the development of bespoke tools.

  • Personality questionnaires.
  • Motivation / Values questionnaires.
  • Emotional Intelligence questionnaires.
  • Strengths questionnaires.
  • Cognitive ability tests.
  • Specific skills tests.
  • 360-degree feedback.
  • Pulse Feedback to track ongoing development progress.

Assessment Audit: How effective are the methods you are currently using and have used in the past? We can measure how predictive, fair and value for money your current and historical processes are, and make recommendations for improvements.

Assessment Audit

Image of numbers and code.

Image credit: xresch from Pixabay

How predictive are your current selection methods? Do they help identify people with potential? People who leave early? People who struggle to cope? People who do the bare minimum to get by? How fair are your methods? How many people with potential have you missed? How cost-effective is your recruitment process? We can help you answer these questions and design a system that meets your needs.

Top image credit: Alfonso Cerezo from Pixabay

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+44(0)1628 674398

Oxford Business Psychology 2022